Saving rainwater with Collingham Bowling Club
Rainwater Terrace would like to congratulate Collingham Bowling Club on their centenary. The club is open on Saturday and all were welcome to help celebrate.
Collingham Bowling Club had 2 Rainwater Terrace water butts installed before the hot dry weather arrived in the UK which gave them time to fill up with rainwater, the club members were impressed that the water butts filled up with rainwater so fast.
A water butt is a great addition to a sports or leisure facility where lawns and grounds need to be maintained not only is rainwater better for plants and grassed areas its FREE. Installing a water butt is a great way of saving on the rising costs of water bills, Collingham bowling club chose 2 200 litre water butts which will make a big saving compared to using treated water from a hose pipe.
When you attach a water butt using a rainwater diverter to a house, shed or greenhouse roof a over night downpour can fill the tanks to the brim. We receive a lot of feedback from our customers on how surprised they are by the speed at which our water butts fill and not only that but that they do not overflow and spill out over the top they have a concealed overflow which ensures excess water flows back down the drain.